Slash Happy

Today was thisclose to PERFECTION!

1. My first pair of liquid leggings are on it's way to meet me! LOL
2. I finally got the reimbursement for that medical check-up I had a few weeks ago when I was freaking out of having AH1N1 virus!
3. It's payday!
4. I'm finally a member of!

Anyway, here's my got-nothing-to-do-so-I'm-gonna-ruin-something DIY project: Slashed Leggings.

So yeah, slashed these leggings myself, I dunno if I did it right but since it doesn’t look so wrong, I’d assume I was right. LOL.

Vneck shirt – Bench
Leggings – DV + DIY
Necklace – DIY
Bangles – Quiapo
Sandals – Celine


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